quarta-feira, julho 04, 2012

Sinais reveladores

Ontem de manhã reli este texto "Finalmente, uma nova sociedade".
Ao princípio da tarde, li este texto "França precisa de 33 mil milhões de euros para cumprir défice em 2013".
À noite, durante o jogging, ouvi o final do quarto capítulo de "How the Mighty Fall" de Jim Collins onde se encontra:
O que acontece na quarta etapa da queda de uma empresa grande:
"A SERIES OF SILVER BULLETS: There is a tendency to make dramatic, big moves, such as a "game changing" acquisition or a discontinuous leap into a new strategy or an exciting innovation, in an attempt to quickly catalyze a breakthrough and then to do it again and again, lurching about from program to program, goal to goal, strategy to strategy, in a pattern of chronic inconsistency.
GRASPING FOR A LEADER·AS·SAVIOR: The board responds to threats and setbacks by searching for a charismatic leader and/or outside savior.
PANIC AND HASTE: Instead of being calm, deliberate, and disciplined, people exhibit hasty, reactive behavior, bordering on panic.
RADICAL CHANGE AND "REVOLUTION" WITH FANFARE: The language of "revolution" and "radical" change characterizes the new era: New programs' New cultures! New strategies! Leaders engage in hoopla, spending a lot of energy trying to align and "motivate" people, engaging in buzzwords and taglines."
Bate certo, tudo se encaixa.

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