segunda-feira, julho 02, 2012

Ecle 3, 1-8

Ontem, durante o meu jogging, ouvi parte do 3º capítulo de "How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In", nele o autor descreve a forma como a empresa Best Buy destronou a empresa Circuit City, através de 3 ou 4 iterações do modelo de negócio.
O livro foi publicado em Maio de 2009. Hoje, leio "Saving Best Buy"... e recordo Beinhocker, uma estratégia, por mais bem sucedida que seja, nunca é eterna.
Lembram-se da velhinha loja chamada "Rádio Popular"? Julgo que era na Rua do Loureiro junto à Estação de São Bento no Porto.
A loja, deu lugar à cadeia de lojas de grande dimensão - foi o avanço de um novo modelo de negócio, assente numa nova realidade...
E se agora assistirmos ao fecho progressivo dessas cadeias de lojas, não para dar lugar a outras ainda maiores e mais eficientes, mas para dar lugar às vendas online... e que lojas físicas vão resistir?
As que trabalham para um nicho:
"The big box retail sales model will increasingly only work for the customer segment that could be called Premium for Now. That is, they are people who will pay a premium to get an item now.
But all the other customer segments – and there are many potential segments – are now using Best Buy as a showroom for Amazon and other merchants. In fact, Best Buy is doing Amazon a great service by accommodating the needs of segments such as See Before I Buy."
O que requer pessoas diferentes, é um outro modelo de negócio, assente numa estratégia diferente, dedicado a diferentes clientes-alvo e com outro motor económico:
"This would require a massive cultural shift, from that of mass market retailer to a nimble and highly responsive customer experience provider. It’s not at all clear Best Buy can accomplish this change. But cursed – or blessed – with their real estate holdings, this is what Best Buy has to do to thrive." 
BTW, a propósito de:
"It’s a mistake to think of a company as being innovative when in fact they have been superb at execution. Innovation and execution are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Innovation requires the ability to ignore convention. Execution requires the ability to ignore distractions.Best Buy focused brilliantly on its business model, but has not spent enough time thinking outside of the “box.”" 
Interessante recordar isto:
"Tim Cook's career followed a very different path. And that's exactly why Jobs poached him from Compaq in 1998. Cook had been running Compaq's supply chain with cutting-edge efficiency when Apple's supply chain was in a shambles. To this day, Cook continues as one of the best when it comes to operational excellence. In a post-Steve Jobs' era, however, Cook's lifetime strength will likely become his Achilles heel. It's fascinating to watch where Cook has spent his time at work so far in 2012. Cook's public face is deeply and publicly connected to Apple operations, ranging fromsupply chain challenges in China to eating with employees in Apple's lunchroom."

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