terça-feira, maio 15, 2012

A experiência é tudo

"We live in an increasingly uncertain world, where the tools that served us well for so long no longer do. Technology isn’t sufficient; we can’t simply add features to attract an audience. There is no more efficiency to squeeze out of our operations, nor defects to remove from our products.
How do we deliver great products and services in an uncertain world? The thing to keep in mind, not just in the abstract, but truly and viscerally, are your customers and their abilities, needs, and desires. When you do that, when you truly empathize with the people you serve, you’ll realize that for them the experience is the product we deliver, and the only thing they truly care about."
Trecho retirado de "Subject to Change" de Peter Merholz, Todd Wilkens, Brandon Schauer e David Verba.

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