"How to Compete on Value, Not Price"
De salientar em como a maioria das perguntas e sugestões têm a ver com a experiência e contexto de uso.
Ontem, a trabalhar com uns terapeutas, fiquei fã da abordagem de uma tal "escola canadiana":
A melhor proposta de solução há-de resultar da conjugação das características da Pessoa, tendo emn conta o Ambiente em que vive e as suas Ocupações.
Como fixei num postal recente de Tim Kastelle:
"I don’t get it. Would an analysis like that really turn up where I am now?”“I don’t know,” Tamaru said. “It might, and it might not. It depends. I’m just saying that’s what I would do. Because I can’t think of anything else. Every person has his set routines, when it comes to thinking and acting, and where there’s a routine, there’s a weak point.”
“It sounds like a scientific investigation.”
“People need routines. It’s like a theme in music. But it also restricts your thoughts and actions and limits your freedom. It structures your priorities and in some cases distorts your logic…”
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