quinta-feira, agosto 25, 2011

A informação é preciosa

A propósito de "Chatting With the Spanish Wine Diva":
"What advice would you give to winemakers in lesser-known markets today?
The U.S. wine consumer is generally curious, restless and always looking for something new. High quality wines combined with clear packaging design, a flavor profile that is approachable, and a compelling story (which so many wineries have), can go a long way in helping sell wine."
Recordo estas palavras:
"Companies have traditionally been interested in how customers view them and their products. The greater share of a customer's mind that a company can win, the greater the likelihood that the customer will buy products from that company.
The customer usually looks for rational reasons (Moi ici: Eu escreveria, o cliente procura desculpas em vez de razões e, acrescentaria, razões racionais para ele e, eventualmente irracionais para outros) for making a purchase, and finding these reasons is only possible when the customer has enough information about the company and the relationship it is offering."
Não é publicidade tout court. É informação, é conhecimento, é matéria-prima para sonhar, para arquitectar experiências.
"Knowledge enables the customer to fully benefit from the products or services he has received. Knowledge can significantly increase the value of a relationship in cases where products are complex.
The problem with complex products and services is that often the customer lacks information about provider competencies. (Moi ici: Acontece tantas vezes. De que vale o supermercado ter quinoa na prateleira se os clientes não a sabem cozinhar?) The customer, in other words, has not received sufficiently clear information to benefit from the relationship and all of its potential. Companies should make information more readily available to customers about how to act as effectively as possible in a relationship and truly benefit from the company's competence."
Trechos retirados do livro "Customer Relationship Management" de Kaj Storbacka e Jarmo Lehtinen.

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