terça-feira, fevereiro 15, 2011

Conversa da treta

Na terça-feira da semana passada, enquanto viajava entre o Porto e Felgueiras, ouvi na rádio, a propósito da fantochada do Congresso das Exportações, Daniel Bessa e outros defender que a percentagem do PIB português assente em exportações deveria passar dos 32 para os 40%.
Quando o jornalista perguntou "E será possível?"
A resposta desconcertante foi "Tem de ser!"
Ontem no programa "Prós e Contras" da RTP ouvi o mesmo tipo de argumentação "Porque sim, por que tem de ser".
Nem de propósito, ontem à tarde acedi ao último número do The McKinsey Quarterly onde encontrei este interessante artigo "The Perils of Bad Strategy" de Richard Rumelt.
Rumelt escreve sobre a má estratégia.
Uma das fontes da má estratégia assenta na troca, na confusão entre objectivos e estratégia.
"Mistaking goals for strategy
A few years ago, a CEO I'll call Chad Logan asked me to work with the management team of his graphic-arts company on "strategic thinking."
Logan explained that his overall goal was simple - he called it the "20/20 plan." Revenues were to grow at 20 percent a year, and the profit margin was to be 20 percent or higher.
"This 20/20 plan is a very aggressive financial goal, " I said. "What has to happen for it to be realized? Logan tapped the plan with a blunt forefinger. "The thing I learned as a football player is that winning requires strength and skill, but more than anything it requires the will to win - the drive to succedd. ... (Moi ici: Até parece MRS e a treta da auto-estima, não é preciso estratégia, só fezada) Sure, 20/20 is a stretch, but the secret of success is setting yours sights high. We are going to keep pushing until we get there."
I tried again: "Chad, when a company makes the kind of jump in performance your plan envisions, there is usually a key strength you are building on or a change in the industry that opens up new opportunities. Can you clarify what the point of leverage might be here, in your company?
Logan frowned and pressed his lips together, expressing frustration that I didn't understand him. He pulled a sheet of paper out of his briefcase and ran a finger under the highlighted text. "This is what Jack Welch says," he told me. The text read: "We have found that by reaching what appears to be impossible, we often actuallly do the impossible." (Logan's reading of Welch was, of course, highly selective. Yes, Welch believed in stretch goals. But he also said, "If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete.")
Convido quem propõe o valor de 40%, a visualizar o mundo das exportações portuguesas num estado futuro desejado em que isso se verifique. Depois, ligar o estado actual a esse estado futuro desejado. Depois, equacionar as transformações que têm de ocorrer para forçar a passagem de um estado a outro... agora "Porque sim, por que tem de ser" é treta de programa de televisão.

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