terça-feira, novembro 23, 2010

Seven Strategy Questions

Já tenho na pasta, para próxima leitura, o último livro de Robert Simmons "Seven Strategy Questions: A Simple Approach for Better Execution".
"1. Who Is Your Primary Customer?
The first imperative—and the heart of every successful strategy implementation — is allocating resources to customers. Continuously competing demands for resources — from business units, support functions and external partners—require a method for judging whether the allocation choices you have made are optimal.
Therefore, the most critical strategic decision for any business is determining who it is you are trying to serve. Clearly identifying your primary customer will allow you to devote all possible resources to meeting their needs and minimize resources devoted to everything else. This is the path to competitive success.

It's easy to try to duck the tough choice implied by the adjective primary by responding that you have more than one type of customer. This answer is a guaranteed recipe for underperformance: the competitor that has clarity about its primary customer and devotes maximum resources to meet their specific needs will beat you every time."
Esta é a questão fundamental!
Este é o alicerce sob o qual convido as empresas a formularem e montarem uma estratégia. Quem são os clientes-alvo?
A resposta a esta pergunta dita, literalmente, tudo o que há a fazer e como o fazer.

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