segunda-feira, outubro 11, 2010

Focalização, focalização, focalização

"It's's focus that makes it dangerous. The same focus allowed to dominate the shoe business on the Internet, a success that led to Amazon's $1 billion-plus purchase of the company in November 2009. "An intense focus on a category enables efficiencies that even Amazon would have trouble replicating," says Rohan. "You can optimize your business. I think specialization with scale is going to be the central theme for e-commerce for this decade."
Specialization works for companies like Quidsi and Zappos because they build relationships with recurring customers, and because they can get their product out quickly."
Trecho retirado de "What Amazon Fears Most: Diapers".
Todos os dias os pequenos e focalizados põem os grandes mastodontes em guarda...

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