terça-feira, agosto 17, 2010

São os erros que nos tornam humanos, credíveis e interessantes?

Quando um político inicia um mandato virgem é fácil dizer que se tem um problema, que algo foi mal feito (por outros, claro).
E as pessoas concordam, a sua experiência com a realidade quotidiana, está em sintonia e ressoa com o que o político diz.
Depois, o político refere que vai ser difícil fazer a mudança, mas que ela não é impossível e, apresenta um caminho para chegar à Terra Prometida.
E as pessoas acreditam.
E quando um político está a meio de um mandato, ou no início de um mandato não-virgem? E quando esse político, como humano que é, cometeu erros... terá coragem de os enumerar?
O mais fácil é negar a realidade, negar a existência do problema...
Só que o discurso deixa de ressoar com o sentimento das pessoas...
"“When you tell a story, the whole gist is to admit the negative side, then dramatize the positive side of how the courageous little company overcame all the negatives. To get executives to admit they ever made a mistake – that they didn’t predict that would happen, that surprises came from out of the blue, that means they were not in control – that really scares the shit out of them.”

“A great leader knows how to do this. ‘You wouldn’t believe it – just when we got to this point, when out of the blue comes this a competitor with a better product, or the government wouldn’t give us the patent, we were knocked back on our heels, but we turned it around and did this and did that.’”

“Everybody loves it when the underdog gets off his back and back on his feet and wins. But to do that you have to admit that something happened you couldn’t predict or you made a mistake. And then you had to fix it. That’s why the storytelling for a lot of people is terrifying. They don’t have the ability to admit they ever misjudged anything any person or any situation. And to tell a story, you have to do that.”"
"Stories – and admitting that bad things have, and do, happen – do more than just build credibility. They draw us in. We want to hear how the hero returns triumphant.

We’re tired of bullshit because it’s plastered everywhere we look. No one tells the truth anymore. In a culture increasingly built on instant success without accomplishment, we wrongly look down upon failure. These failures are what make us human, credible and interesting to the world."

2 comentários:

CCz disse...


lookingforjohn disse...

"We’re tired of bullshit"