sexta-feira, março 19, 2010

Em vez de culpar a economia ou de pedir apoios, subsídios e proteccionismo...

Agarrar o touro pelos cornos, assumir os comandos do volante, fazer uso do locus de controlo interior e seguir em frente.
And BTW perante "Crédito malparado volta a aumentar em Janeiro" convém ter em conta:
"Banks don't want to hear sob stories. They just want their money, and they want to know you're getting serious about your financials. Keep an honest and dispassionate dialogue, and maybe, just maybe, they won't pull your line of credit. We're also asking vendors for a 90-day extension on the company's receivables. Creditors would rather see their money eventually than never, and most are agreeing to 60 days. We'll take it." (Aqui)

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