segunda-feira, junho 01, 2009

Um exemplo prático de aplicação do conceito de proposta de valor

Ao procurar alguma informação na internet sobre o universo do negócio das Facility Service Providers, para enquadrar o conceito de proposta de valor, encontrei este artigo "A Strategy Model for Facilty Service Providers: "Positioning in the post Bolkestein Directive age"" no sítio da International Facility Management Association.
Foi interessante ver descrita de forma tão clara, diferentes opções de proposta de valor que uma empresa no sector pode seguir:
"Cost Strategy
We speak of a cost strategy in the case of services with a relatively low added value, large scale or not. Service providers using this strategy have the most to fear from the new Bolkestein Directive. On the other hand: as these companies can export their services with relative ease, the Directive also offers opportunities!
Many companies in the cleaning industry are good exponents of a cost strategy. Even without the Bolkestein Directive they face strong price competition."
"Specialization strategy
Service providers combining specific knowledge or skills offer a service that cannot easily be copied by others and use the specialization strategy."
"Horizontal integration within the industry
Horizontal integration occurs when service providers broaden their portfolio of relatively simple facility services. In other words, these service providers integrate within the industry. They meet the demand of companies that prefer to work with a limited number of sub-contractors. The scope of these vendors’ portfolio to a large extent determines their success."
"Vertical integration within the production chain
Vertical integration is the strategy where service providers engage in structural relations with their principals. It is even conceivable that these vendors take over parts of their clients’ primary business processes. These service providers integrate upstream and/or downstream within the production chain."
Ao voltar a reler este artigo lembrei-me desta citação:
"Remember that 96% of all business start-ups in the US fail within 10 years, but the failure rate of franchises is less than one third of the rate of regular businesses.Why is this so?
A significant part of franchises' greater general success is because of alignment. The best franchises have thought through very carefully who their target customer is and what the promise is that they want to make to that customer. And they've thought through all the internal systems and processes to deliver on that promise in the most efficient and effective way. Franchises have learned to invest in developing and maintaining alignment of resources to mission."
Trecho retirado de "Six Disciplines for Excellence" de Gary Harpst

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