domingo, junho 14, 2009

Canário? (parte VI)

Na parte V aventava-se a hipótese da salvação.
Mas Ambrose continua pessimista: "The crucifixion of Latvia"

"We know from leaked documents that the Fund advised Latvia to ditch the peg last year. IMF experts were overruled by Brussels. The reason, of course, was to prevent:
  • 1) a chain of falling dominoes in Eastern Europe;
  • 2) a default shock for West European banks with $1.6 trillion (£970bn) of exposure to the region;
  • 3) leakage from Bulgaria across the EU line into Greece – euroland's Achilles heel.

Latvian society is being sacrificed to buy time for EMU's dysfunctional system. It is the designated martyr for the EU Project.

When Latvians wake up to what is being done to them, more than a wretched peg will go."

Sei que Ambrose é um anti-euro, mas sinto que ele tem alguma (muita) razão.

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