segunda-feira, abril 27, 2009

Criar a oportunidade

Já o escrevi aqui várias vezes: Gosto de estudar o mundo da grande distribuição, porque o que lá se passa, mais tarde ou mais cedo vai passar-se para os outros sectores.
Assim, iniciei-me na leitura de mais um livro da dupla de Lincoln & Thomassen "Private Label - Turning the retail brand threat into your biggest opportunity"
A introdução do livro começa com um texto que bem pode ser aplicado a quem nos dias de hoje assiste ao colapso da procura no seu sector de actividade:
Os autores apelam a procurar o outro lado. Se de um lado temos uma crise, qual é, ou melhor, qual será o outro lado ou o lado reverso?
Se de um lado temos a crise, no lado reverso teremos a oportunidade, ela pode lá estar à espera, ou tem de ser criada:
Primeiro a ameaça (a analogia entre a evolução da Private Label e o actual colapso da procura)
“Private Label has been growing at least at twice the rate of famous household brands over the past 10 years. In fact, there is much talk these days about the growth of Private Label or ‘retail brands’ around the world. Or maybe we should say PRIVATE BRANDS. Because brands indeed they are at the end of the day.”
Sobrevivência, sobrevivência, sobrevivência…
“Survival for today’s brands against the inexorable growth of Private Label everywhere you look, and increasingly in every category.
Survival for retailers if they don’t have the best Private Label brand offerings for their shoppers to keep them locked in and loyal to their banner. Survival for manufacturers if they don’t have enough capacity utilization to justify their investments. Survival for agencies as Private Label communications lead to a significantly reduced overall expenditure and perhaps more tactically driven shopper marketing activity.
Survival for marketers as they increasingly feel the squeeze and query their role in a world where consumer packaged-goods brands seem to be losing their salience and appeal.”
O colapso da procura pelos nossos produtos pode ser visto como a nossa perda de quota de mercado para um concorrente fantasma. Há que abandonar a postura defensiva e criar o futuro desejado:
“But let’s forget talk of survival. Let’s turn this issue on its head and seize the opportunity that it represents. Opportunity for brands to reinvent themselves through dramatic innovation. Opportunities for retailers to truly innovate their offerings. Opportunities for manufacturers to optimize their production capacity. Opportunities for agencies to reinvent communications. Opportunities for all of us as shoppers to get ever-better-value offerings. Opportunities for everyone to drive the key forces shaping today’s and tomorrow’s society.
Yes, Private Label isn’t a curse. In fact it may well be a gift. A gift that forces all of us to re-examine the status quo. A gift that forces us to move positively with some of the key major forces shaping today’s society and work more effectively and collaboratively together.
Our reverse side from survival is simply opportunity.”
O livro promete... vai fazer-me companhia hoje no comboio.

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