quarta-feira, janeiro 14, 2009

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia (parte IX)

Voltamos a este mote (o do título) na sequência de um artigo no Telegraph "This crisis is our chance to get off the consumerism treadmill"
O artigo tem uma série de mensagens com as quais concordo e que me parecem fora do mainstream do politica e economicamente correcto. Aqui vai o artigo quase na íntegra:
"“At the corporate level, the decision by Citigroup to break itself up is a desperate measure for a desperate time. But it is merely a magnified version of the questions facing every business – what are we doing, does it still make sense, is there a better way of doing it?
For the companies concerned, and especially for the individuals affected, this reassessment is a scary process, but it is also liberating. Financial crises and the recessions they cause provide a rare opportunity for businesses, governments and individuals to make the changes that vested interests and inertia prevent in the good times. (quantas entidades conhecem que o estejam a fazer? Que estejam realmente a repensar o que são e o que fazem?)
We have today a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to throw the cards up in the air and bring them down in a new pattern. It is a moment that demands a clear distinction between what must be done now to prevent recession morphing into slump and what can be done in the longer-term to create a better, more equitable and sustainable economic landscape.
I have four suggestions for the new world. The first is to ensure that the financial services tail is prevented from wagging the economic dog in the way it has over the past 20 years.
Second, we must find space in our education systems to teach our young people about the one subject that each of them will be affected by every day of the rest of their lives – money and how to save it, manage it and invest it for the future.
Only through education can we, thirdly, kick the addiction to debt which everyone agrees has brought us to this point. A people that understands the corrosive effect of uncontrolled borrowing and the magical power of its mirror-image, compounded saving, is a people that will start to ask the right questions.”
Among other things, they will want to know how it makes sense to seek to solve a debt crisis by issuing mind-boggling amounts of new borrowings; they will ask why they are being pushed into assuming many thousands of pounds of debts to acquire a university degree that many of them are intellectually unsuited to and which for a while won't even land them a decent job; and they will question a national obsession with property speculation that steals from our children in the good times and throws an unfortunate few on the street in the bad ones.
This, finally, could wean us off a treadmill of consumerism that fills our homes with tat we neither like nor need and which can only be produced at the prices we demand by illegal immigrants earning £3 an hour.
Alternatively, we could just slash the cost of borrowing and print a load of money to get the old show back on the road again. What's the Chinese for missed opportunity?

1 comentário:

CCz disse...

Shipping rates hit zero as trade sinks