sábado, novembro 08, 2008

Migração de valor (parte VII)

Na grande migração em curso não é só um êxodo para o mercado do preço-baixo.
É também a valorização do tradicional, do próximo, do conhecido, do de confiança:
"Vermont Bank Thrives While Others Cut Back"
"First National, whose main branch is next to a village store where local residents sit on the porch, drink coffee and chew the fat, has stayed successful because its employees know the area and their customers.
“Having the borrower sit in front of us is very meaningful,” Mr. Young said. “We’re not massive brokers, trying to underwrite a loan from the 55th floor of an office somewhere. There’s serious value in looking someone in the eye and understanding what their drive is, where they’re coming from and how serious they are about the project.”
The employees at the branches here and in neighboring Shoreham also know where a building project is and what it looks like.
“We benefit from knowing what house they’re talking about, what shape it’s in and what neighborhood,” Mr. Young said. “We benefit from a very detailed knowledge of our community, its people and its geography.” "

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