quarta-feira, setembro 10, 2008

Experiências fora do corpo

Uso com alguma frequência esta imagem. As organizações devem realizar, com alguma frequência, experiências fora do corpo, são a essência da reflexão estratégica.
Essas experiências proporcionam o distanciamento que permite equacionar o que funcionou e funciona, e o que não funcionou ou não funciona.
A revista Harvard Business Review inclui o artigo "How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity" assinado por Ed Catmull (cofundador e presidente da Pixar), nele encontrei esta pérola sobre as experiências fora do corpo.
"Observing the rise and fall of computer companies during my career has affected me deeply. Many companies put together a phenomenal group of people who produced great products. They had the best engineers, exposure to the needs of customers, access to changing technology, and experienced management. Yet many made decisions at the height of their powers that were stunningly wrongheaded, and they faded into irrelevance. How could really smart people completely miss something so crucial to their survival? I remember asking myself more than once: “If we are ever successful, will we be equally blind?”
Many of the people I knew in those companies that failed were not very introspective. When Pixar became an independent company, I vowed we would be different. I realized that it’s extremely difficult for an organization to analyze itself. It is uncomfortable and hard to be objective. Systematically fighting complacency and uncovering problems when your company is successful have got to be two of the toughest management challenges there are. Clear values, constant communication, routine postmortems, and the regular injection of outsiders who will challenge the status quo aren’t enough."
Julgo que o artigo nos próximos tempos é de acesso gratuito.

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