quarta-feira, abril 09, 2008

Estratégia e serviços

A revista Harvard Business Review deste mês está mesmo boa, IMHO.
Este é o terceiro ou quarto artigo do número de Abril de 2008 que recomendo: "The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right" assinado por Frances X. Frei.
Julgo que também este artigo é de acesso livre aqui.
A primeira coisa que um serviço tem de definir bem é a oferta, é a estratégia. "Strategy is often defined as what a business chooses not to do. Similarly, service excellence can be defined as what a business chooses not to do well. If this sounds odd, it should"
"They don’t make this choice casually. Instead, my research has shown, they perform badly at some things in order to excel at others. This can be considered a hard-coded trade-off."
"Managers should discover the relative importance customers place on attributes and then match the investment in excellence with those priorities"
"The trade-offs Wal-Mart makes are deliberately informed by these preferences. The company optimizes specific aspects of its service offering to cater to its customers’ priorities, and it refuses to overinvest in underappreciated attributes."
"The phenomenon, of course, has a circular aspect. Shoppers whose preferences match Wal-Mart’s strengths self-select into its customer base. Meanwhile, those who don’t prefer Wal-Mart’s attributes buy elsewhere. It is important therefore to identify customer segments in terms of attribute preferences—or as some marketers prefer, in terms of customer needs. Identifying what might be called customer operating segments is not the same exercise as traditional psychographic segmentation. Rather than stressing differences that enable increasingly targeted and potent messaging, this type of segmentation aims to find populations of customers who share a notion of what constitutes excellent service."
A isto chamo proposta de valor:
"It is tempting to think, “If I’m a really good manager, then I don’t have to cede anything to the competition.” This well-intentioned logic can lead, ironically, to not excelling at anything. The only organizations I have seen that are superior at most service attributes demand a price premium of 50% over their competitors. Most industries don’t support this type of premium, and so trade-offs are necessary. I like to tell managers that they are choosing between excellence paired with inferior performance on one hand and mediocrity across all dimensions on the other. When managers understand that inferior performance in one dimension fuels superior performance in another, the design of excellent service is not far behind."
A segunda coisa que um serviço tem de definir bem é a máquina de fazer dinheiro, o modelo do negócio.
"In a service business, therefore, management must give careful thought to how excellence will be paid for. There must be a funding mechanism in place to allow the company to outshine competitors in the attributes it has chosen. In my study of successful service businesses, I’ve seen the funding mechanism take four basic forms. Two are ways of having the customer pay, and two cover the cost of excellence with operational savings."
A terceira "coisa" são os colaboradores:
"To design a well-integrated employee management system, start with two simple diagnostic questions. First: What makes our employees reasonably able to achieve excellence? And then: What makes our employees reasonably motivated to achieve excellence? "
"If your business requires heroism of your employees to keep customers happy, then you have bad service by design. Employee self-sacrifice is rarely a sustainable resource. Instead, design a system that allows the average employee to thrive"
Por fim, geir a intervenção e participação cliente na prestação do serviço:
"In managing customers in your operations, then, you’ll need to address a few key questions: Which customers are you focusing on? Which behaviors do you want? And which techniques will most effectively influence behavior?"
Duas das caixas do artigo são tiros no alvo: "Are focused competitors nipping at your flanks?" e "Coming to terms with the threat"
Por fim, na senda dos conselhos do livro "The Inovator's Solution" de Christensen e Raynor:
"Inevitably, companies that attempt to be all things to all people begin to struggle when upstart competitors like Shouldice start picking off profitable niches. Often, the decline is not taken seriously until it’s too late."
"However, some incumbents have managed to compete effectively with their more-focused rivals, and there is much to learn from their experience. The common thread in their competitive responses to upstarts is the capacity to become “multifocused.” In other words, they stopped trying to cover the entire waterfront with a single service model. Instead they pursued multiple niches with optimized service models—each designed to achieve excellence on some dimensions at the expense of inferior performance on others. The secret to success in a multifocused firm is the ability to benefit from having various service models under one house umbrella. This benefit often comes in the form of shared services (that is, internal service providers), which enable a firm to generate economies of scale and economies of experience across its service models. Effectiveness at utilizing shared services to the advantage of the individual service models can determine the success of a multifocused firm."

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