quinta-feira, maio 31, 2007

What is value-based management?

E quais as suas implicações?

A concentração numa proposta de valor a oferecer aos clientes-alvo, ou a postura das empresas-ouriço, como refere Collins, é de certa forma uma gestão baseada na criação de valor.

“Value-based management (VBM).
VBM aligns a company’s overall aspirations, analytical techniques, and management processes with the key drivers of value.

A value creation mindset means that senior managers are fully aware that their ultimate financial objective is maximizing value; that they have clear rules for deciding when other objectives (such as employment or environmental goals) outweigh this imperative; and that they have a solid analytical understanding of which performance variables drive the value of the company. They must know, for instance, whether more value is created by increasing revenue growth or by improving margins, and they must ensure that their strategy focuses resources and attention on the right option.

The first step in VBM is embracing value maximization as the ultimate financial objective for a company

We strongly believe that value is the only correct criterion of performance”

A verdade é que “Financial indicators can only measure what has already happened”

Estas verdades e muitas outras sugestões e conselhos podem ser encontradas aqui.

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