quarta-feira, novembro 22, 2006

Retenção de clientes

Do fabuloso livro "Growing to great" de Gertz e Baptista, de que já aqui escrevemos mais de uma vez, retirei esta pérola:

"Extending the duration of the customer relationship is the third major customer value building strategy (além de: selective customer acquisition e customer development). You may have heard the term "zero defections". Some companies view this as an important goal-right up there with zero defects and 100% customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, unless these companies have zero unprofitable customers, they are shooting themselves in both feet - actually spending energy and money to retain customers who create more costs than profits."

"Retention is just one of the areas in which the principles of customer valuation pay off. Once you know which customers have the greatest value on potential value, retention efforts can be focused on keeping them - and only one them. Let your competition steal all the deadwood from your portfolio.

1 comentário:

Paulo Peres disse...

Decisão corajosa de propor: "deixe que a concorrência levem as madeiras mortas."