segunda-feira, setembro 25, 2017

Desenho de ecossistemas de co-criação de valor

A leitura de "Strategy For a Networked World" de Ramírez & Mannervik fez-me recordar e voltar a este esquema:
"in scenario planning we distinguish between the more immediate business (or "transactional") environment that a strategist influences through their interactions with counterparts (who, from their point of view, are "actors" or "interactors") from the "factors" around these interactors, which remain beyond the strategist's influence - and which constitute and are situated in the broader "contextual" environent.
by definition, the "contextual environment" is that part of the environment of every organization that it cannot influence; whereas the organization has offerings in relations to all parts of its transactional environment, and therefore can influence it to a smaller or larger degree.
A new design of a VCS by any one firm (typically carried out with others) can challenge the existing distinction between the individual firm's transactional and contextual environments.
probing the boundary between contextual and transactional environments not only helps to surface tacit assumptions about roles and relationships, and to challenge established beliefs about constraints that may no longer be valid
This redrawing of the transactional/contextual environment boundary by coming together with actors that remained outside the existing VCS with a new offering that configures a new VCS"
E dei conta que na semana passada fiz exactamente isto numa empresa.

Começámos por retratar a situação actual, muito "pobre":
E acabámos numa primeira versão de ecossistema da procura no futuro que pode ser representada por:
A formulação da estratégia começa por equacionar que sistema de co-criação de valor pode ser organizado juntando um conjunto de actores num ecossistema.

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