quinta-feira, setembro 01, 2016

Experience economy em todo o lado

"en un futuro inmediato, los nuevos consumidores estarán más interesados en vivir experiencias para radiar en directo que en comprar cosas.
las redes sociales acaban ejerciendo una fuerte presión, incitando a tener vidas interesantes que contar y motivando a elevar el gasto en vivencias, tales como salir, viajar o comer fuera. En este sentido, los expertos auguran una nueva manera de consumir moda y alertan en primer lugar a las marcas que se dirigen a los consumidores más jóvenes."
Trechos retirados de "De ‘comprar cosas’ a ‘vivir experiencias’: el reto de la moda ante la generación Z"

"not everybody needs to shift to the experience economy, but I don’t know anyone who couldn’t benefit from it. I think that’s true with B2B as well, and I increasingly see companies that are creating great experiences for their business customers.
For example, Whirlpool — although of course they sell appliances to consumers — they’ve got their retail partners that they sell through. They wanted to create an experience for them.
What they did is, they gutted their trade show budget, and instead put their money into creating the World of Whirlpool in Chicago, where now instead of getting 10 or 15 minutes of a retail partner’s time at a trade show, now they can get them for hours or even a couple of days to expose them to the product, and get them to experience them directly with cooking demonstrations. You can actually bring a load of dirty laundry into it, and so forth. There’s many B2B companies that are doing such marketing experiences."

Trecho retirado de "Excerpt: Should business-to-business companies try to deliver experiences?"

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