sábado, abril 11, 2015

Também sobre o choque de gestão

Gosto muito desta figura:

Recorda-me a figura que faço, tantas e tantas vezes, ao tentar convencer a gestão de uma empresa, para a vantagem de uma reflexão estratégica. A minha taxa de sucesso não é invejável.
Julgo que a figura ajuda a explicar muito desta distribuição referida aqui:
Empresários muito atarefados com o dia-a-dia e, com pouco tempo, para se abstraírem e observarem os padrões que se escondem por trás das rotinas.
Em tempos publiquei aqui no blogue esta reflexão "Sobre PMEs no Norte de Portugal que não se ensina nas faculdades".
Hoje, encontrei mais um texto que se encaixa nesta sequência, "Build an Organization That’s Less Busy and More Strategic":
"were flat-out busy doing everything except thinking about strategy.
Even if your organization is successful, being too busy isn’t a good thing, because you can’t sustain a frenzy of activity. But it’s much worse if the activities themselves don’t cohere strategically and your company’s performance is suffering as a result.
So, what does it take to build an organization that’s less busy and more coherent?
An outsider’s perspective.
As insiders to our companies, when we look at what we do, we see only activity.
This leads to an operational mindset.
A strategic mindset is outside-in. Position yourself across the street, so to speak, and focus your attention on your firm’s competitiveness. Ask yourself questions like: “Why would I want to buy from them?” and “Why would I want to work for them?” When you look at your company this way, the world becomes one of outcomes, not activity — and it becomes much easier to establish a few key  performance criteria. Then you can ask yourself “So what?” to set priorities."

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