quarta-feira, abril 01, 2015

Acerca da análise SWOT e do leite

A propósito da análise SWOT:
"What is a strength? When we say “strength,” we are loading the concept with a silent context. Context is what gives the word meaning in the first place. There is no such thing as a universal strength in business life. I cannot think of a single strength that is a strength in all contexts. A strength in one context can be a weakness in another context."
"A strength is only a strength in the context of the strategic choices at the heart of strategy: [Moi ici: Tão Roger Martin] where you’ve chosen to play and how you’ve chosen to win in that specific space. For that matter, a weakness is only a weakness in the context of a where-to-play/how-to-win choice. The same holds for opportunities and threats.
My point: if you start your strategy efforts with a SWOT, without having an explicit, and explicitly different, strategic choice, the poor schmo who’s actually doing that SWOT has decide what to pay attention to and what to ignore. ... And the easiest thing for the SWOTer to do? Assume the current strategy. “Given our current plan, our SWOT looks like this.”"
Agora imaginem qual o enquadramento para qualquer reflexão estratégica sobre o futuro do leite em Portugal... por todo o lado só medo "Fim do regime de quotas leiteiras na Europa traz receios aos Açores", qual a mensagem subliminar?
A mudança é uma ameaça, não uma oportunidade.
A alternativa:
"I used to be agnostic on SWOT. No longer. I’m violently against it as the starting point for strategy.
I now think it’s far better to think through various strategic choices, ask what would have to be true for those choices to be good ones, and explore those hypotheses through valid experiments, before ever locking and loading on a strategy. It’s creative and divergent thinking, which is the polar opposite of the convergent thinking that fuels planning and analysis."

Trechos iniciais de "SWAT YOUR SWOT…FOREVER"
BTW, às vezes fico com a impressão que sou iludido pelos media e pelo seu efeito de amplificação do lado negativo. A verdade é que no texto referido acima também se pode ler:
"Em 2015, o primeiro ano sem limitações à produção, prevê-se que as entregas de leite aumentem cerca de 1%."
É claro que se uns produzem mais e se a procura é a mesma, alguém vai ficar de fora.

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