Conjugar "Carlos Costa: "
Os próximos tempos vão ser muito exigentes no ajustamento das redes" dos bancos":
"Para o governador, esse ajustamento de estrutura e serviços é fundamental para os bancos continuarem a reduzir custos. "O sistema está sobredimensionado para o crédito que concede e para o estádio tecnológico em que se encontra. A racionalização é necessária", justificou."
Com "
Banks As Commodity Utilities In A New Payment World":
"payment processing is in danger of becoming a commodity, but the threats to incumbents span much wider than payments.
P2P lending is no longer limited to payday loans and consumer finance. Social Finance has already entered the student loan segment with over $1.3 billion in refinanced student loans and is targeting the first-time home buyers and the corresponding mortgages in its next move.
80 percent of the investments in the U.S. P2P market originate from private equity and hedge funds, where the latter uses P2P loans as a way to invest directly in the debt market without commercial banks as intermediaries.
At the same time crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter are providing new funding options for capital-seeking businesses,"
Como dizia Reagan, caro Carlos Costa:
- You ain't seen nothin' yet
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