domingo, abril 27, 2014

Acerca da atitude

"“It’s the questions Google cannot easily anticipate or even answer that we should be asking. Asking the right questions helps us figure out what matters, where opportunity lies, and how to achieve our goals.”
We are drowning in answers. What we need today are good questions. In times of great change, doubt is the norm, so good questions, not answers, have the edge. John Seely Brown says, “If you don’t have a disposition to question, you’re going to fear change. But if you’re comfortable questioning, experimenting, connecting things—then change is something that becomes an adventure. And if you can see it as an adventure, then you’re off and running.” 
A capacidade de colocar questões, de olhar para o mundo como um conjunto de variáveis e não de constantes, e uma atitude:
" If you view issues like red tape, labour problems and competition as barriers, then they will make you less competitive.  But if you view them as innovation triggers, you will be much more likely to succeed.
Innovative firms in this study are nine times more likely to find ways to increase productivity than non-innovative firms are.  A big part of the reason why is that the innovators respond to barriers differently.  Instead of seeing them as something that blocks progress, they view barriers as a trigger that requires an innovative response.
Constraints spur innovation, if you have the right attitude.  Where others see only barriers, innovators see opportunities."
E como não recordar o trabalho de Carol Dweck sobre o locus de controlo e como diferentes pessoas colocadas perante os mesmos problemas têm reacções opostas. Umas desistem e culpam o mundo por não as ajudar, outras arregaçam as mangas e percebem que têm de mudar de abordagem para vencer o desafio

Trecho inicial retirado de "Asking a More Beautiful Question"
Segundo trecho retirado de "Where Others See Only Barriers, Innovators See Opportunities"

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