segunda-feira, março 17, 2014

A importância da identificação e concentração nos clientes-alvo

Impressionante, encontrar isto:
""Remember," he said, "you have to aim for the bull's-eye if you want to hit the target. If you just aim for the target, you will be more likely to miss it."
That's as true for marketing as it is for pistol shooting. You need to aim for the center of the target if you want to hit the target consistently. That sounds logical, but it's not an insight that comes naturally to business leaders.
I've encountered several companies that seemed to think that it was best not to aim at all. A plumbing company might describe its customers as "anyone who needs plumbing services." A toy store could say its customers are "people who buy toys," while a toy manufacturer would describe its clients as "companies that sell toys."
Depois de ter escrito isto:
"Em vez de se apresentar como, por exemplo, fabricante de máquinas, porque não se apresentar como aquele que oferece/presta os serviços específicos e diferenciadores que as máquinas executam na vida dos clientes?"
O que se segue é o sentimento que vem algum tempo depois do exercício de concentração da mira nos clientes-alvo:
"When we ask companies who've gone through this strategic planning process what was most helpful to them, the most common answer is "getting very clear on who our target customer is." It's a huge "Aha!" moment for them." 
Qual é o argumento inicial de quem duvida do poder do foco no cliente?
""But if I aim at one type of customer, won't I miss some of the people who would make really good customers?" The answer to that is, "Yes, but."
It's almost a paradox, but if you do a good job of target marketing – aiming at the center of the target – you're likely to attract more good customers, not less."
A consequência mais comum do foco é:
"Let me clear up a few points. Your target market is the center of your marketing bull's-eye. They're the people or companies you have in mind when you create and develop your product or service and when you create your marketing communications.
They may not even be the customers that you sell the most to. But by tailoring your offerings and your marketing to that bull's-eye group, you will also attract many other customers who sit in the outer rings of the target. "Delight the few to attract the many."
If someone who's not in your target market begs to buy your product and offers you money, of course you'll sell to them. You just won't spend precious time, money, and effort trying to attract them." [Moi ici: Costumo dizer em inglês, misturado com o português "By all means, claro que não mandamos ninguém embora. Não violamos é a estratégia por causa deles"]
Por fim, Godin:
"Seth Godin says that "a product for everybody is a product for nobody."  
Como começar a identificar os clientes-alvo?
"We'll start by examining your best customers today.
  • Begin by listing your most profitable customers. Describe them. What do they have in common?
  • Who are your most influential customers? They're the ones who are most likely to convince or persuade other customers to buy from you. Describe them and identify the commonalities.
  • What type of customer has the most potential for growth in the future? Why?
There are some customers who are on all three lists. They're probably the ones who sit at the center of your bull's-eye. Others are on two lists. Think of them as the next ring out from the center. And then there are the customers who are on only one list. They're in the second ring out from the center."
Trechos retirados de "How to identify your ideal target customer" que incluiu muitas outras questões interessantes para clarificar quem são os clientes-alvo

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