Ontem, ao ler o artigo "Designing Business Models for Value Co-Creation", citado em "Acerca do ecossistema da procura", encontrei a referência a "Escaping the Red Queen Effect in Competitive Strategy: Sense-testing Business Models".
À noite, ao lê-la, fiquei logo apanhado pela relação com o sexo...
"The ‘red queen effect’ refers to the red queen’s advice in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass in which she says, in order to stay in a (competitive) place you have to run very hard, whereas to get anywhere you have to run even harder. In today’s knowledge and mobile environments we know that businesses cannot survive by just running harder, but rather by running differently and ‘smarter’ than competitors."Primeiro, recordar o comportamento dos afídeos da parte II quando as condições ambientais mudam.
"To counter direct competitive challenges, organizations often continuously learn new ways of improving their efficiency and performance. (Moi ici: Uma paisagem competitiva conhecida, um mercado conhecido, concorrentes conhecidos. Nada de extraordinário, a eficiência é suficiente para continuar a jogar. Reprodução assexuada) Having familiarized themselves over a number of years with such ways of doing business, their first reaction to discontinuous (fast-changing, disruptive) competition is to ‘‘work harder’’, (Moi ici: Esta é a parte em que os membros da tríade, de Vítor Bento e Ferraz da Costa, até João Ferreira do Amaral, acham que se reduzirmos salários, aumentarmos horários de trabalho ou voltarmos ao escudo, conseguimos ultrapassar esta diferença:Na biologia, o sexo é uma espécie de ‘‘unlearn’’ what they know and ‘‘work differently’’, voltar a baralhar as cartas, os genes, para testar novas abordagens, para barrar o acesso a abordagens anteriores pelos vírus.Reparem, a economia portuguesa, no tempo do escudo, nunca teve de competir com diferenças desta ordem de grandeza) when what they need to do is to ‘‘unlearn’’ what they know and ‘‘work differently’’"
Sem sexo, ou seja, sem sair fora da caixa, sem a possibilidade de falir, com acesso a bail-outs:
"Several observers have commented that even though many companies work harder to improve themselves in increasingly fierce competitive environments, results improve slowly or not at all. This is a characteristic situation that could be described as the ‘‘Red Queen effect’’. It is a competency trap where ‘‘running harder’’ becomes customary: it is of an analytic-benchmark nature, it shows short-term success and is less risky in the near horizon, but ultimately holds long-term downfall.
Working ‘‘differently’’ seems to be an intuitively suitable approach for survival or even prosperity in the present era’s increasingly competitive business landscape. Companies need to change industry rules (the accepted way of doing business in the industry) by fundamentally questioning their tendency to conform to useful but ‘‘unoriginal’’ (copied, imitated, improved) practices, lessons, and experiences." (Moi ici: Como os afídeos, em tempo de mudança, saltar para o sexo)
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