domingo, março 17, 2013

Peers, Incorporated

O artigo "How Next-Gen Car Sharing Will Transform Transportation" sobre o qual escrevemos aqui, a propósito dos modelos de negócio baseados na partilha e aluguer, aborda um outro tópico tão ao jeito do que costumamos escrever aqui sobre Mongo:
"Peers, Incorporated is a new organizational model.
The Industrial Revolution was a response to all those years when people were doing things themselves and creating small-scale one-off businesses. You know what? All the variable quality issues that we find in peer production, industrialization is now going to conquer those and provide a nice consistent product. And lo and behold, as we did that, we found out there’s this fabulous thing called economies of scale. So for the last 200 years, business has been driving full force to achieve success using economies of scale and delivering a nice, consistent product. And we have really reaped those benefits. But I feel that we have now reached, maximized and applied that model to more things than is really useful, and that it’s now time for the pendulum to come back a little bit.
Peers, Incorporated delivers the best of what industrialization has to offer, and of what individuals — peers — have to offer. It is about giving individuals who are creative and innovative the power of a company. And getting the best out of companies. It’s a partnership between these two groups, where each is providing what it does best. The companies give individuals the advantages of economies of scale, long-term financial investments, standardized contracts and a brand. Individuals deliver what they do best, yet [which] is very expensive for companies [to provide]: diversity of offering, localization, specialization, customization, access to social networks and importantly, innovation. They both have a place, and they both can make lots of money."

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