terça-feira, julho 19, 2011

Os mercados como configurações (parte II)

Continuado daqui.
Trechos retirados de "Markets as configurations" de Kaj Storbacka e Suvi Nenonen, publicado pelo European Journal of Marketing Vol. 45 No. 172, 2011, pp. 221-258.
Trechos que reforçam o ponto de vista de que o futuro pode ser construído, de que os mercados podem ser alterados.
"Bounded by their rationality, organizations “produce” (Weick, 1995) or “fabricate” (Sarasvathy, 2008) the environments to which they respond through their actions and selective interest. Markets will be results of the managers’ learning based on their observation of the outcomes of their past market actions. Brooks (1995) claims that “enacted markets” are outcomes of prior transactions and interactions between the actors in the network. As markets are defined by the already established relationships, this “structure” forms mental barriers against other perceptions of the market. (Moi ici: Estas barreiras mentais, estes modelos mentais tanto existem nos que desesperam e não vêem alternativas, como nos académicos e políticos que aconselham "Imprimam-se bentos!"Mental models tend to constrict individuals from looking “outside the box”. Individuals (and as a consequence, market actors) become myopic: they do not see – nor accept – things outside the boundaries of their mental model.
Performativity emerges as a central concept in illustrating how socially constructed market configurations are formed. The notion of performativity, i.e. that the expressed views (theories, social structures, etc.) of actors influence reality, ...
The performativity of market actors’ mental models means that markets are performed when market actors introduce theories about the market and new boundary definitionsFocal actors need to influence other market actors in such a way that their subjective definition of a market configuration becomes a shared definition. (Moi ici: Uma das minhas funções é esta de facilitar a actuação dos "focal actors": como mudar a configuração de um mercado) A shared market definition is achieved through an oscillating process of interaction and dialogue between individuals – within and between the market actors.
The market view proposed in this paper suggests that opportunities are not precursors of strategy; rather they are outcomes of deliberate efforts to influence market configurations (Sarasvathy, 2008). (Moi ici: As oportunidades não caem do céu, são criadas pelos "focal actors". Escrevo isto e recordo as palavras de um empresário que, perante uma análise SOWT, se interrogava sobre o que eram oportunidades e o que eram ameaças. Segundo ele, em função de um caminho ou outro que decidisse tomar, o mesmo factor podia nuns casos ser visto como uma oportunidade e noutros casos como uma ameaça.) As actors engage in activities to influence the market configuration, opportunities occur and actors need to be nimble at capturing the value from these. This indicates that the sustainability of competitive advantage – in its most traditional sense – is not that important as it is increasingly difficult to maintain a superior value proposition or competitive strategy for long periods of time.
Actors can, however, find sustainable competitive advantage from their ability to influence and reconfigure the market configuration to fit their objectives."

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