terça-feira, maio 03, 2011

A barreira a vencer

"In each instance, the practicioner allows himself to experience surprise, puzzlement, or confusion in a situation he finds uncertain and unique... He is not dependent on categories of established technique, but constructs a new theory of the unique case... He does not keep means and ends separate but defines them interactively as he frames a problematic situation." (trecho de Donald Schon retirado de "The Reflective Practitioner")
Cada caso é um caso. Cada caso é único. O que funcionou ontem já não funciona hoje...
Impressionante como o conselho que se segue, de um cowboy para alguém que quer aprender a montar um cavalo, se aplica ao desafio que um empresário tem de enfrentar nos tempos actuais em que Mongo se instala e a globalização imperial da quantidade recua. O que aconteceu na TV, desde o "I love Lucy" até à actualidade, é uma metáfora do que está a acontecer na economia (BTW, lembro-me de em miúdo ver na TV portuguesa esse programa "I  Love Lucy")
"Eric: You're trying to do too much. Stop thinking, and pay attention to your horse. It's about trying to feel what is happening underneath you right now. You can't ride yesterday's horse. You can't ride what might happen. Everybody who rides has the same problem: we're hoping what we learned yesterday will always apply.  You often ride the problem you had a minute ago, or for the goal you want to achieve. But this not a recipe. It changes every second, and you've got to change with it."
E o que fazem os macro-economistas? Pois... e o que valem as suas previsões baseadas na extrapolação do passado?
"You've got to start with observing real people in depth. Burn the market research. Go out there with your own eyes. Stand there. Do it yourself as the businessperson. Be there with your own eyes."
"This way of working - call it artistry.
Artistry is rooted in qualities. ... To become a proficient rider in her own right, she needs to perceive these qualities and interpret them herself; until she does that, she's merely applying a collection of disconnected generic techniques - and haphazardly, at that. If she can become focused enough and then use this awareness to respond effectively to these qualities, she'll be able to improve her own efforts and those of her horse. She faces the same learning challenge that students of every demanding discipline face if they wish to leave routines and recipes behind and become creative and masterful practicioners in their own right."
Por isto é que é tão redutor isto "“A qualificação devia ser o motor da competitividade da economia”" Imagino n situações em que gente mais qualificada, podia ajudar a fazer milagres na capacidade de originar valor ... desde que tenha a humildade de abandonar as receitas assépticas e aceite apaixonar-se.
Focalização, sempre a focalização...
"Eric: Just because he has a little more energy than you're used to doesn't mean you have to freak out about it. Ride it, for Christ's sake! One of the reasons we ride horses is because they're dynamic. So, when things are a little different, you should appreciate that and not be scared of it. Scared is a distraction. Utilize him!"
Por cá, muitas vezes, a reacção instintiva quando as coisas mudam e ficam um pouco diferentes é... pedir protecção e ajuda ao papá-Estado. E isso, impede o crescimento interno, evita a subida para o nível seguinte do jogo, ficamos parados e atolados no nível actual.
"I recognize this vulnerable state, when fear, anxiety, or embarrassment creates a self-absorbed distraction. Yet in the heat of the moment it's nearly impossible to ignore these reactions."
Aqui, o papel de um outsider que não imponha receitas mas que facilite uma abordagem diferente ao desafio, pode ser útil.
"Eric: It takes more focus, but that's what this game is about. When we talk about asking a horse for a hundred percent, we're asking a person for a hundred percent. It means we have got them right to the point where they are either going to perform or explode! If they perform to their maximum ability, they will do the best they possibly can if you can get it just right, and you're sitting on a hundred percent of a horse, all you can do is pull your hat down and hope you don't screw up."
"He's trying to take her across an invisible barrier that divides amateur riders from genuine horsemen."
É uma barreira deste tipo que impede aos teóricos da macro-economia verem como se fazem milagres ao nível da macro-economia.

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