quinta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2011

Pergunta ingénua do dia (parte V)

Continuado daqui.
Mais umas peças para o puzzle que a CIP devia estar a montar.
"What's Next When Offshoring Isn't so Cheap?"
"Over the last decade, offshore manufacturing seemed like a no-brainer. Cheap, plentiful labor was readily available in developing countries like China, India, Mexico, and Eastern Europe. Falling trade barriers, inexpensive energy, and low transport charges further strengthened the case for making products overseas. In this golden period, even an ill-conceived, poorly executed strategy could deliver big savings.
But suddenly, the case for outsourcing isn’t so clear. Recent headlines trumpet the skyrocketing wages at Foxconn and Honda factories in China. These and other factors like quality concerns, the weakening U.S. dollar, rising fuel costs, and the risks inherent in longer supply chains have many companies rethinking their sourcing strategies.
Is it time to retrench?"
E também "Global Sourcing in the Postdownturn Era" onde se pode ler:
"companies are rethinking their LCC-based sourcing strategies because of other challenges as well, such as quality concerns, product recalls, growing labor costs, volatile commodity prices, and the inherent risks of longer supply chains. Recent headlines seem to suggest a shifting landscape and a migration back to “near shore” countries such as Mexico for the United States and Eastern Europe for the European Union."

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