quinta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2011

Valor versus custo

"Twenty-first-century capitalism must organize the better saving and accumulation of every kind of productive resource for tomorrow. Its precepts and commandements must begin with minimizing economic harm and end with maximizing the creation of authentic economic value.
The first axiom is about minimization: through the act of exchange, an organization cannot, by action or inaction, allow people, communities, society, the natural world, or future generations to economic harm.
Conversely, the second axiom is about maximization: the fundamental challenge facing countries, companies, and economies in the twenty-first century is creating more value of higher quality, not just low-quality value in greater quantity. Think of it as reconceiving value creation: not merely creating larger amounts of thin, inconsequential value, but learning to create value of greater worth." (Moi ici: Não se consegue isto à custa do enfoque nos custos... concentração na criação de valor.)
Trecho retirado de "The New Capitalist Manifest" de Umair Haque.

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