terça-feira, novembro 30, 2010

Act 9, 3-7 (parte III)

Parte I e Parte II.
Na senda dos nichos, na senda da criação de valor, na procura da subida na escala de valor, no aumento (salto) da produtividade à custa do aumento do preço praticado, mais um interessante artigo de Seth Godin, agora na Harvard Business Review de Novembro de 2010 "To Win, Create What's Scarce":
"If you can increase demand for what you already make, a lot of problems take care of themselves. It’s the promise of the typical marketing organization: Give us money, and we’ll increase demand.
There’s an overlooked alternative, though. If you can offer a scarce and coveted good or service that others can’t, you win. What is both scarce and in demand? Things that are difficult: difficult to conceive, to convey, to make. (Moi ici: Hoje em dia, produzir, fabricar é o mais fácil. Difícil é o vender... implica ser barato ou, ... sedutor) Sometimes difficult even, at first, to sell—maybe an unpopular idea or a product that’s ahead of its time. In fact, just about the only thing that is not available in unlimited supply in an ever more efficient, connected world is the product of difficult work.
Commoditization doesn’t apply only to making and selling cheap goods.
With a lack of difficulty comes more choice, more variation, and, yes, lower prices (lower margins, too). And so consumers of every stripe are jaded. This puts huge pressure on organizations, because the race to the bottom demands that they either do all this easy work faster or do it cheaper than they did it yesterday. (Moi ici: O mainstream está nesta corrida para o fundo, reduzir custos, reduzir custos, reduzir custos para aumentar a produtividade) And there’s not a lot of room to do either one.

The only refuge from the race to the bottom? Difficult work. Your only alternative is to create something scarce, something valuable, something that people will pay more for.

What’s difficult? Creating beauty is difficult, whether it’s the tangible beauty of a brilliant innovation or the intangible essence of exceptional leadership.
People who can do difficult work will always be in demand. And yet our default is to do the easy work, busywork, work that requires activity, not real effort or guts.
No longer. The world will belong to those who create something scarce, not something cheap. The race to the top has just begun."

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