quinta-feira, agosto 26, 2010

Focusing on “revenue productivity”

Na sequência da leitura em curso do livro "The Power of Pull - How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion" fiz algumas pesquisas na internet e encontrei este relatório "Measuring the forces of long-term change - The 2009 Shift Index" que de alguma forma está na origem do livro.
Nas páginas 84 e 86 encontrei uns trechos que fizeram o meu dia.
Neste blogue costumamos escrever sobre a produtividade, sobre a importância do numerador, sobre o perigo da concentração no denominador, sobre o foco na criação, na originação de valor.
"During the last several decades, public policy liberalization has opened up the global economy, allowing freer flow of capital across geographical and institutional lines.
Businesses now find it easier to enter and exit markets, industries, and countries, and workers enjoy fewer restrictions on where they can work.
Meanwhile, digital technology has removed previous barriers to the free flow of information, eroding the information asymmetries that once favored sellers over buyers. Indeed, as described later in this report, today’s consumers have a growing wealth of knowledge and choice when buying goods and services and a loose attachment to brands. The shift in market power from makers of goods and services to the people who buy them continues to raise the pressure on firms to innovate and sell in new and creative ways.
Many of today’s companies continue to follow traditional scale-based notions of corporate strategy, pursuing mergers and acquisitions to achieve industry leadership, focusing tirelessly on cost reduction, and making every effort to squeeze value from the channel. As quickly as they accomplish these things, however, competitors enter with new efficiencies and ideas. Even the best firms struggle to stay ahead.

executives, seeking to defend their company’s position, acquire competitors both to reduce near-term pressure and to squeeze out more costs through greater economies of scale. However, if barriers to entry and barriers to movement continue to erode as a result of continued digital infrastructure advances and public policy shifts favoring greater liberalization, we expect that these defensive moves will only have short-term impacts until another wave of competitors emerge to challenge incumbents.

The profound increase in competitive intensity since the mid-1960s shows no sign of slowing and should provide considerable impetus for businesses to rethink traditional strategic, organizational, and operational approaches— away from the scalable efficiency that was the principal rational for the 20th century toward the scalable learning and performance better suited for today’s environment.

Traditional approaches to productivity improvement too often focus on manipulating inputs—the denominator, or cost, side of the productivity ratio. Since companies can only reduce costs so far before reaching zero, this is ultimately a diminishing returns game. The fixation on inputs, moreover, overlooks a bigger opportunity: the potential to sell more with the same amount of cost.
By focusing on “revenue productivity,” executives can switch from wringing out ever-more elusive efficiency gains to unleashing the potential of employees by increasing the rate at which they learn, leading to innovation and continuous performance improvement. We believe there is tremendous opportunity to couple the digital infrastructure with new management approaches to empower, create, and mobilize the knowledge workers possess to monetize the intangible assets that make up the lion’s share of company profits in the digital era.”

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