Ao ouvir a notícia na rádio, enquanto conduzia, pensei logo numa versão moderna da Torre de Babel:Os governos, e os macro-economistas, com as suas abordagens lineares, preferem a concentração, privilegiam a escala, a grande dimensão. Em vez de apostarem na disseminação das oportunidades e na sua diversidade, preferem a ditadura da monocultura, põem todos os ovos no mesmo cesto.
Gary Hamel dá o exemplo da abordagem do fabricante do Gore-Tex:“Big things aren’t nimble. That’s why there aren’t any 200-pound gymnasts or jumbo-sized fighter jets. It’s also why Gore & Associates, the manufacturer of Gore-Tex and 1,000 other high-tech products, limits its operating units to no more than 200 individuals. In a company comprised of a few, large organizational units, there tends to be a lack of intellectual diversity—since people within the same unit tend to think alike. Within any single organizational unit, a dominant set of business assumptions is likely to emerge over time. One way of counteracting the homogenizing effects of this groupthink is to break big units into little ones. Big units also tend to have more management layers—which makes it more difficult to get new ideas through the approval gauntlet. In addition, elephantine organizations tend to erode personal accountability. An employee who’s one of hundreds, rather than one of a few, is unlikely to feel personally responsible for helping the organization adapt and change. (Surely, that’s somebody’s job “up there.”) For all these reasons, small, differentiated, units are a boon to adaptability. Most executives overweight the advantages of scale and underweight the advantages of flexibility—hence the enduring and often perverse managerial preference for combining small units into big ones—a preference that all too often turns lithe acrobats into lumbering giants.”
Gary Hamel e Liisa Valikangas redigiram “The Quest for Resilience.” Publicado pela Harvard Business Review ( Setembro de 2003) onde chamavam a importância da diversidade para fazer face aos cataclismos, à mudança. Recordo este trecho de autêntica poesia:
Immanuel Wallerstein defende:
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