quinta-feira, julho 23, 2009

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia (parte XII)

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia.
"Business leaders ought to recognise, as they catch their breath after months of turbulence, that the strategy they were pursuing until recently is unlikely to be right for today.
It’s not just that markets have changed. Your organisation has changed. You may have all been through a near-death experience. Even if you avoided calamity, it is unlikely that colleagues are the same carefree people you remember from a year or two ago. Most businesses have been making serious cutbacks. Co-workers may be doing their best to look calm and positive. But they can see unemployment rising and know that sustained recovery is a long way off."
Para repensar a estratégia Stefan Stern chama a atenção para quatro tarefas cruciais:
"Four principal tasks emerged as vital for a successful reinvention of strategy: uncovering hidden risks that undermine strategy; using the power of organisational identity; reviving the strategy process; and adapting leadership styles.
Hidden risks can derail strategy.
Do your people really believe in what you are advocating, or does their apparent tacit approval in fact conceal a determined (or subconscious) attempt to subvert it?Are managers throughout the organisation “taking ownership” of the strategy, or simply passing it off as something that has little to do with them?"

Crediblidade é fundamental... se as pessoas não acreditam, a corrosão do cinismo é terrível.

Outro ponto, faz-me recordar o que Goldmann escreve com outros no livro "Os Novos Líderes" esta questão da ressonância, da coerência, do alinhamento:

"At our strategy days we ask: ‘Does this resonate with who we are?’”

In a battle between culture and strategy, culture usually wins. So in drawing up new strategy, make sure it is not in conflict with an organisational identity that could otherwise engulf and overwhelm it."


Ainda uma outra fileira de reflexão, por acaso... (mas será que há acasos?) ontem, ao retomar uma auditoria, após o intervalo para almoço, referi ao meu interlocutor a reflexão, ou os ensinamentos do artigo de Lippe e Salterio sobre o perigo de mudanças de gestores colocarem em posições que interferem com a execução estratégica, pessoas que não partiram a pedra da reflexão estratégica e, por isso, olham para ela pelo valor facial... falta-lhes a experiência de a ter criado e de toda a envolvência que a alicerçou.

"Reviving the strategy process is no less important. Here the most interesting ideas put forward have come from Cognosis, another London-based consultancy. Its managing partner, Richard Brown, has spoken of the need to develop “emotionally intelligent strategy” – one that is meaningful and credible to employees. Such strategies are not developed, Mr Brown argues, when only senior management is involved in their creation. Factual analysis might convince the boardroom but can be seen as lifeless by everybody else. For most employees, belief is much more important than simple understanding if they are going to execute a strategy successfully."

Que são tempos para repensar a estratégia disso não tenho dúvidas.

E mais, fazendo o paralelismo entre a economia e a biologia, não creio que a velocidade da evolução biológica seja constante, ela é permanente, está sempre presente. No entanto, acontecimentos excepcionais criam rupturas que abrem janelas de oportunidade e aceleram, para os oportunistas atentos, as hipóteses de evolução.

Trechos retirados de "Time to get your strategy right"

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