sábado, março 21, 2009

Are you sure you have a strategy? (parte II)

Continuado daqui.
Aquilo a que eu chamo proposta de valor é chamado, por Donald Hambrick e James Fredrickson de "differentiators":
"A strategy should specify not only where a firm will be active (arenas) and how it will get there(vehicles), but also how the firm will win in the marketplace—how it will get customers to come its way. In a competitive world, winning is the result of differentiators, and such edges don’t just happen. Rather, they require executives to make upfront, conscious choices about which weapons will be assembled, honed, and deployed to beat competitors in the fight for customers, revenues, and profits."
"Achieving a compelling marketplace advantage does not necessarily mean that the company has to be at the extreme on one differentiating dimension; rather, sometimes having the best combination of differentiators confers a tremendous marketplace advantage."
"differentiators don’t just materialize; they are very hard to achieve. And firms without them lose.
The other negative outcome is that, without upfront, careful choices about differentiators, top management may seek to offer customers across-the-board superiority, trying simultaneously to outdistance competitors on too broad an array of differentiators—lower price, better service, superior styling, and so on. Such attempts are doomed, however, because of their inherent inconsistencies and extraordinary resource demands. In selecting differentiators, strategists should give explicit preference to those few forms of superiority that are mutually reinforcing (e.g., image and product styling), consistent with the firm’s resources and capabilities, and, of course, highly valued in the arenas the company has targeted."
Já identificamos os clientes-alvo, já definimos a proposta de valor.
Não esquecer que devemos considerar na arena, não só os utilizadores do que produzimos, como também os eventuais mediadores entre quem fabrica e quem utiliza, por exemplo os lojistas que vendem um produto aos consumidores, os agentes que representam uma marca de equipamentos, ...
Como já aqui referimos, transcrevendo palavras de Jean Claude Larreche, é aqui que ocorre a originação de valor: na definição dos clientes-alvo e da proposta de valor.
BTW: Quem nos fala do aumento da produtividade única e exclusivamente à custa da poupança e do aumento da eficiência, como ainda ontem identificamos em Actualizem o documento por favor., na linguagem de Larreche, só está a actuar sobre a extracção de valor e sobre a captura de valor.

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