segunda-feira, agosto 18, 2008

Estratégia --> Processos críticos --> Actividades críticas --> Funções críticas (parte III)

Ainda do livro "The Workforce Scorecard - Managing Human Capital to Execute Strategy" de Mark Huselid, Brian Becker e Richard Beatty:

"While the primary objective of a publicly held firm is to maximize profit and shareholder value, it is important to recognize that profits are generated through the productive behaviors of employees, consistent with the firm's strategies and operational goals. One way to think about this is that financial results require very specific operational results - which we call workforce success.


Workforce success is the product of very specific leadership and workforce behaviors.


Leadership and worforce behaviors are in turn a function of workforce competencies.


Finally, competencies, behaviors, and results are a function of the firm's culture and mind-set.


Said differently, mind-set and culture enable competencies; competencies enable the right behaviors; the right behaviors enable workforce success."


Acerca da cultura e do enquadramento mental dos colaboradores de uma organização os autoress referem algumas verdades conhecidas mas que importa nunca esquecer - será que os colaboradores de uma dada organização estão a par da estratégia e da sua contribuição para ela?


"Without an understanding of where the firm is to go, how it can measure its progress, and what is in it for members of the firm, little strategy execution will result. To execute its strategy, every member of the firm should understand the firm's business model, the role of the workforce, and that leaders at all levels will be held accountable for financial success, customer success, business process, and workforce success."


Assim, o passo seguinte é a comunicação.



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