domingo, junho 10, 2007

O dilema da Regionalização

Votei duplamente não no referendo sobre a Regionalização.
Receei, e continuo a recear, o alargamento da economia que vive em torno da Administração Pública, do Estado e das Autarquias (que já hoje representa cerca de 20% da população empregada, como é referido aqui).

Não tenho soluções, não tenho modelos, e tenho receios, no entanto, não me custa nada perceber os benefícios da proximidade.

Extractos retirados do livro "Scenarios - The Art of Strategic Conversation" de Kees van der Heijden:

"Werever we find power to act in the organization a learning loop is at work.
Therefore the organisation is not just one loop but many, working through individuals and groups throughout the organisation. The faster learning takes place, the shorter the loop. For this reason individuals learn faster than groups, and groups learn faster than whole organisations."
"De Geus has suggested that speed of organisational learning is the ultimate competitive weapon. What can organisations do to increase it? Unblocking communication channels is obviously a first essential condition. If information does not flow up and down the hierarchical ladder the overall learning loop cannot function. But even if communication is effective, delays due to personal information gestation times at the various levels in the loop will limit overall reaction time. As there is not a lot that can be done to reduce the time an individual requires to reflect on incoming information, the only alternative left to increase speed of learning is to reduce the length of the loop itself, by reducing the number of individuals in it. Short learning loops means delegation of decision making, locating the power-to-act organisationally close to the point of experience and perception. Organisations in fast changing environments tend to decentralise, with top management acting more in the nature of a co-ordinating body than as a setter of strategy. "

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