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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta o que não chega aos jornais. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, fevereiro 22, 2011

Deolindeiros nos jornais, ou mais um frete ao poder?

Ontem, critiquei este artigo "Malparado das famílias cai pela primeira vez ao fim de um ano" no twitter porque o achei superficial, porque ficou pela espuma, porque não foi à procura de uma explicação. Parece artigo encomendado...
Hoje, primeiro, encontro este artigo de Paulo Querido "O que devem os jornais fazer":
De onde sublinho "Instead of chronicling every routine meeting, press conference and police call, papers should stop sweating the small stuff so they can zero in on stories that:"
Segundo, no DE de hoje "Mais de 28 mil famílias deixaram de pagar crédito à banca".
Gostava que os jornais, em vez de estagiários deolindeiros, tivessem gente que olha para as notícias e se interroga sobre elas e sobre o que está por trás delas.
Gostava que o i explicasse a sua notícia de ontem, e a ligasse à notícia do DE de hoje, explicando que não há contradição.
Se quiserem eu faço-lhes um desenho para lhes dar uma pista

sábado, dezembro 13, 2008

O que não chega aos jornais

No Telegraph de hoje:
"Improbable though it may seem, the wrecked financial system and burnt-out economy are regarded by Gordon Brown not as shackles on his electability, but an opportunity to bamboozle voters. Having boasted in the Commons this week, "We not only saved the world..." the Prime Minister's logical next step is to invite the country to demonstrate its gratitude."
Lets make an arrangement:
: "Improbable though it may seem, the wrecked financial system and burnt-out economy are regarded by _______________ not as shackles on his electability, but an opportunity to bamboozle voters. Having boasted in the _______________ this week, "We not only saved the world..." the Prime Minister's logical next step is to invite the country to demonstrate its gratitude."
Ainda ontem no Expresso da meia-noite se defendia o contrário disto:
"Labour spin doctors finally accepted, albeit privately, that the game was up earlier this year when a Lords inquiry into immigration demolished the economic case, too. It concluded that waves of new arrivals had produced a negative impact on the low paid and on training for young UK workers."
"Willingness to help the unfortunate is a mark of a decent society. But for many who prefer not to work, incapacity benefit is nothing more than a rewarding and easily secured alternative to the Jobseeker's Allowance." e algo que todos conheecemos do dia-a-dia:
"If anything good can be extracted from the harrowing tale of Shannon Matthews, it is that a veil was lifted on the degrading impact of irresponsible handouts to morally bankrupt parasites. This cannot be allowed to go on. In the turpitude of her broken home, we reached the end of the road.
On my way to work, during rush hour, I often see a blind woman commuting into the City with her guide dog. The effort she makes to hold down a 9-to-5 job in London's hurly burly is little short of heroic. No reasonable person could blame her for staying at home on benefits. Instead, she battles on.
It is a sick society in which a woman such as this works and pays taxes so that Karen Matthews and her ilk can draw £300-£400 a week, producing children only for the purpose of guaranteeing yet more freebies."