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quarta-feira, dezembro 15, 2010

O papel da gestão de topo (parte II)

Continuado daqui.
"The second CEO task is to identify the competitive spaces where you can win. Drucker said, “Equally important - and also a task only the CEO can fulfill - is to decide, What is our business? What should it be? What is not our business? And what should it not be?
The second most important decision we made in 2000 - after “The consumer is boss” - was where P&G would play and where it would not play. We began by analyzing several factors: The most important were the structural attractiveness of the businesses we were in or considering; P&G’s leadership position relative to its competitors; and the strategic fit of various industries with P&G’s core competencies and strengths - consumer understanding, brand building, innovation, go-to-market capability, and global scale.
Answering the question of where not to play (Moi ici: Decisão fundamental e tantas vezes esquecida) involved just as thorough an evaluation, using the same criteria of structural attractiveness, core strengths, competitive position, demographic trends, and the potential to
globalize and grow.
Determining which businesses we should not be in is an ongoing effort that calls for continual pruning and weeding. Disposing of assets is not as sexy as acquiring them, but it’s just as important. Drucker said, “On these two decisions—‘What is our outside?’ and ‘What is our business?’—[rest] all the other work and all the other decisions inherent to being a CEO"
Trechos retirados de "What Only the CEO Can Do" publicado pela HBR em Maio de 2009.