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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta krugman. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, dezembro 28, 2008

Diferentes perspectivas

Partilho desta visão de Peter Schiff "There's No Pain-Free Cure for Recession"
"Taking the theories of economist John Maynard Keynes as gospel, our most highly respected contemporary economists imagine a complex world in which economics at the personal, corporate and municipal levels are governed by laws far different from those in effect at the national level.
Individuals, companies or cities with heavy debt and shrinking revenues instinctively know that they must reduce spending, tighten their belts, pay down debt and live within their means. But it is axiomatic in Keynesianism that national governments can create and sustain economic activity by injecting printed money into the financial system. In their view, absent the stimuli of the New Deal and World War II, the Depression would never have ended."
"It would be irresponsible in the extreme for an individual to forestall a personal recession by taking out newer, bigger loans when the old loans can't be repaid. However, this is precisely what we are planning on a national level.
I believe these ideas hold sway largely because they promise happy, pain-free solutions. They are the economic equivalent of miracle weight-loss programs that require no dieting or exercise. The theories permit economists to claim mystic wisdom, governments to pretend that they have the power to dispel hardship with the whir of a printing press, and voters to believe that they can have recovery without sacrifice."
"Similarly, any jobs or other economic activity created by public-sector expansion merely comes at the expense of jobs lost in the private sector. And if the government chooses to save inefficient jobs in select private industries, more efficient jobs will be lost in others. As more factors of production come under government control, the more inefficient our entire economy becomes. Inefficiency lowers productivity, stifles competitiveness and lowers living standards."
Por isso, não partilho desta visão do recém-Nobel da Economia, Krugman "Hangover theorists"

sábado, junho 07, 2008

Limpo, enxuto, directo...

O mundo muda, mudou...
O que era, já foi.
Adaptação, enquadramento e re-adaptação.
"Bits, Bands and Books" por Paul Krugman no The New York Times... já estou a visualizar os protestos que se seguem...

segunda-feira, abril 21, 2008


Como outsider, só com base no que vou lendo, desenhei este esquema para relacionar um conjunto de variáveis que podem influenciar o preço dos bens agricolas.

É um esquema rudimentar, incompleto, mas é o meu primeiro esquema do género.

Aceitam-se sugestões para melhorar o esquema.
By the way, será que culpabilizar a especulação bolsista com o aumento de preços das commodities é suficiente desta vez? Parece que Malthus está a ficar vingado (nos metais) e na agricultura.