Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta everything is different now.. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta everything is different now.. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, janeiro 09, 2009

Um bom ponto de vista!

"This is not a recession" de Steve Yastrow
Não é preciso fazer comentários de maior. Basta ler e interiorizar o significado das palavras e começar a formular alternativas (Ah!!! Boyd está tão actual):
"Don't think of our current economic crisis as a recession. Instead, think of it as a recalibration.
Everything is different now.
If you think of it as a recession, you may be tempted to "hunker down" and wait for the economy to cycle back.
If you think of it as a recalibration, you will be motivated to focus on what you have to do differently, since everything is different now.
The way your business generates results is different, now.
Your customers think differently, now.
Your customers care about different things, now.
Your customers act differently, now.
Your customers may actually be different people, now.
Customers aren't disposable anymore; more than ever, you have to create sustainable customer relationships.
Everything is different now.
I'm posting this on January 7, 2009. One thing I'm convinced of is that the world I am working in today is different from any world I have ever done business in. The world has been reset. We can no longer look at the "LY" column on reports to use last year as a benchmark for what will happen this year."
Ainda na quarta-feira na RTP-N, Camilo Lourenço chamava a atenção para algo a que podemos associar a esta ideia de recalibração. A procura estava num patamar que não é mais suportável no futuro... (Os consumidores foram longe demais, as empresas foram longe de mais e hoje estão sobredimensionadas para uma procura sustentada.)
Everything is different now...