Assim, quando se dá uma mudança na "maré" essas empresas perdem o pé e morrem.
Afinal, o que descrevi pode ser enquadrado no paradigma do equilíbrio pontuado (punctuated equilibrium). A ideia veio da paleobiologia e propõe que a evolução biológica não ocorre de forma gradual e contínua ao longo do tempo, mas antes através de saltos entre períodos de estabilidade:
qualitative metamorphic change, or revolution. This is summarized in a definition...
Organizations evolve through the alternation of periods of equilibrium, in which persistent underlying structures permit only incremental change, (Moi ici: quando estamos nestes períodos faz sentido apostar na melhoria da eficiência e no denominador da equação da produtividade) and periods of revolution, in which these underlying structures are fundamentally altered. All organizations have a deep structure which consists of core beliefs and values; products, markets, technology, and competitive timing; distribution of power; basic internal structure; and type of control systems.
Deep structure
Each organization possesses what is called a deep structure, which forms its underlying order. It is the deep structure which exists during periods of equilibrium, and limits change. Organizational deep structure has four facets: core beliefs and values; products, markets, technology, and competitive timing; distribution of power; and organizational structure and the nature of its control system."
Se calhar é pedir demais, ou esperar demais... pensar que uma massa crítica de empresas fuja a esta lógica da ditadura do equilíbrio.
O que muitos sectores industriais vivem actualmente é um período de revolução:
"Periods of revolution cause deep structures to disassemble, reconfigure, and undergo wholesale transformation. There is a breakdown of the old equilibrium; a period of uncertainty about the future, and a new basis around which to form a new deep structure. Revolutionary periods close rapidly once a new deep structure is found. Revolution causes complete breakdown because of the mutual interdependence of a system’s parts and action patterns. (Moi ici: e querer manter as estruturas antigas para combater a nova guerra? E não perceber que o que sempre resultou agora não resulta, não chega... E começar a lançar culpas pelos colaboradores sem poder executivo...)
It is usually changes in the internal and/or external environment that cause revolutionary punctuations. Usually, internal growth strains existing organization practices and structures. External environmental changes which are significant include maturation of product life cycles; the legal and social climate; and substitute products and technologies. These shifts in and of themselves may not cause revolutionary punctuations, but they create the need which may precipitate the punctuation."
Trechos retirados daqui.