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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta colaboração. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, dezembro 18, 2022

"What do I have to offer "

"The German philosopher Hannah Arendt defined thinking as having a conversation with yourself. But for organizations to think, that conversation has to be with colleagues: testing, stretching, challenging observations, ideas, data, and interpretations. The richness of the ensuing dialogue requires information and great questions.

Information wants to be different. If everyone brings the same knowledge, then why have five people in the room when you could just have one? Unanimity is always a sign that participation isn’t wholehearted. Instead of seeking to confirm each other’s biases and beliefs, why not bring data, stories, experience that enrich and expand? Great thinking partners aren’t echo chambers—they bring well-stocked minds, new perspectives, and challenges. Ask yourself: What do I have to offer that no one else can bring? That’s what you are there for."

Trecho retirado de "Beyond Measure: The Big Impact of Small Changes" de Margaret Heffernan.

quarta-feira, dezembro 20, 2017

Sem necessidade de controlar

Há tempos ao preparar uma auditoria a uma empresa deparei-me com esta frase para descrever um dos riscos determinados:
"Modelo de negócio que não permite o controlo do mesmo"
Torci o nariz.

Cada vez mais o truque não passa pelo controlo, mas pela colaboração, mas pela curadoria. Por exemplo:
"Contextual awareness, peripheral vision, design thinking and a multi-disciplinary approach – these are all terms that are trending in modern office-speak. And deservedly so. A project-based [Moi ici: Interessante] and titles-free organization — where yesterday’s team member is today’s team lead — can deliver the flexibility and agility that businesses yearn for.
Context Curator” is the term I’d like to introduce to the business dictionary. To lead a project is not to assign tasks and monitor performance, but to empower, to define the broader context, and to organically link the work of one team with the rest of the business. Following the example of Netflix and striving for higher talent density is only half the battle. Curating the context in which high performers can excel – rather than attempting to manage them – is the key to unleashing their full potential."

Figura e trecho retirado de "Do we no longer need managers?"

segunda-feira, setembro 17, 2007

Dark Blogs

Imaginem um blog colectivo: um grupo de pessoas usa uma plataforma comum, as pessoas podem colocar informação, opiniões e comentários, podem discutir, podem …

Agora imaginem aplicar essa ferramenta a um projecto, a um departamento, a uma empresa.

Foi isso que descobri, quando comecei a pesquisar o que significava a expressão “dark blog”, encontrei um relatório interessante sobre a aplicação do conceito aqui.