segunda-feira, março 10, 2025

Curiosidade do dia

"If the people who work on tech's cutting edge think their children should reverse course, then maybe the rest of us ought to reconsider our parental guidance. Dan Dumont recently did what any responsible engineering director would do: He asked his favorite artificial-intelligence assistant whether his children, ages 2 and 1, should follow in his footsteps.
Maybe not, the bot warned. It recommended fostering creativity and people skills, while stopping short of prescribing specific jobs for the toddlers.
More parents are coming to the same conclusion, says David Ferreira, spokesman for the Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators. He says vocational school was long looked-down-on in a state known as a science and tech hub. "It was where other people's kids went-kids who learned with their hands and who were not college material," he says of many white-collar parents' thinking.
Not anymore. Ferreira says 1 in 5 Massachusetts high-schoolers is in a vocational program, about 30% more than a decade ago. And trade schools that used to accept virtually everyone now have hundreds of teens on wait lists. Demand is so high that several mainstream public high schools in the state are reviving or expanding shop classes, part of a nationwide trend."

Trechos retirados do WSJ de hoje em "Parents in Tech Engineer A Career Switch for Their Kids" 

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