domingo, setembro 29, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

Nunca esqueço Spender, O intervencionismo ingénuo (parte II). E acrescento:

"Ministers from central and eastern Europe have accused Mario Draghi of bringing an "old Europe" mindset to his proposals to boost EU competitivencss, saying his findings overlooked thc continent's most dynamic economies. Officials in Latvia, Poland and the Czech Republic claimed the former Italian prime minister had been over-reliant on expertise from the EU's older member states, which skewed his conclusions and underplayed their priorities.


The complaints over alleged bias reflect long-standing concerns in countries that joined the EU in 2004 about second-tier treatment in policymaking. Ignacy Niemczycki, a Polish deputy minister for the economy, said Warsaw would push to liberalise the single market for services and for so-called cohesion spending to close the economic gap between regions.

Niemczycki said Draghi's report should be treated as "just the beginning" of a profound reform debate involving all member states.


Danuse Nerudová, a Czech economics professor and MEP, said having transitioned from communism, the region knew "what works and what doesn't in terms of competitiveness".

"Many countries in what we call 'old Europe' lack a competitive model and are still operating within frameworks that, in some cases, were created in the 1940s and have barely changed since," she added."

Trecho retirado do artigo, "Draghi accused of having old Europe' mindset", do passado dia 27 de Setembro.

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