sábado, junho 08, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

O FT de hoje publica uma carta deliciosa "Selling chickens at that price is just not sustainable"

"You report that Costco Wholesale is managing to sell (cooked) chickens at $5 (£3.90) ("Costco rules warehouse club roost with brisk sales of $5 chickens and other favourites", Report, June 1). And that's brilliant, your account seems to conclude. "Costco's point [ ...] is to offer the lowest prices humanly possible", one expert is quoted as saying.

But such a price for chicken should surely not be possible - something you failed to even consider.

In 1,000 words of journalism, there was zero questioning of whether selling products like chicken at rock bottom prices is sustainable in any way, shape or form. The $5 is not the true cost of chicken because the environmental and welfare costs are not included."

Come on! Não podemos ser exigentes. Basta recordar os políticos que às segundas, terças e quartas, combatem o CO2, aumentam impostos por causa do ambiente, profetizam um apocalipse climático, para às quintas, sextas e sábados apoiarem a construção de aeroportos e o fim das portagens no interior.

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