domingo, abril 02, 2023

Números interessantes sobre vendas

Números interessantes:

"Only 13% of customers believe a sales person can understand their needs. [Moi ici: Este é o número que mais me impressiona]
Takeaway: Too many people in sales still don't get it. It's not about you. It all starts and stops with the buyer. Good sales professionals are like a doctor diagnosing a patient's illness. If you can't uncover your customer's problems and needs you don't stand a chance at selling them a solution."
The average company spends $10K - $15K hiring an individual and only $2K a year in sales training. [Moi ici: Este também impressiona]
Takeaway: Sales training is paramount for new salespeople. If you hire A players but don't invest in their growth you will never have an A team.
Retaining current customers is 6 to 7 times less costly than acquiring new ones.
Takeaways: Pay attention to your existing customers. The fact that they are engaged with your brand gives you an advantage that you’d be mistaken not to capitalize on. This is all about account management, up-selling and cross-selling.
After a presentation, 63% of attendees remember stories. Only 5% remember statistics.
Takeaway: Tell stories. Storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques salespeople have to communicate and motivate. Using stories to make a connection with a prospect can greatly increase your ability to close deals. How has your product or service helped other companies? How has it caused big changes for other organizations?"

Trechos retirados de "21 Mind-Blowing Sales Stats

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