quinta-feira, março 17, 2022

Pessoas e empatia

Ontem, ao ouvir o final do capítulo 3 de "Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers" fixei estes trechos:
"The string of statistics in the first example doesn’t cohere and doesn’t produce much insight.
But when the numbers take the shape of one human, we can start to feel and understand their implications. We don’t empathize with a marketing demographic; we empathize with a person. We have vast experience with stepping into a story, from our first picture books to the last Hollywood movie we watched. But we’ve never been trained to step into a distribution. A prototype can embody a ream of data, yet remind us that the data merely represents our real customer—one whose children pitch tantrums in grocery stores just like ours do.
You have to do the right analysis to get the right answer. But when you convey the right answer, you don’t have to use the numbers you used to get the right answer. In fact, the most perfect translations of the numbers may have no numbers at all."
E deu-me para recordar a "Mónica e a Maria"... Meu Deus, recuar a Novembro de 2006 em "Quando se acorda atolado num pântano de indefinição...". E depois, é a cascata que ter um blogue desde 2004 permite :

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